Heir to the Empire
by Timothy Zahn

Read: Aug 5-10, 2023
Genre: Science Fiction

Recently I have been walking to work and finding myself doing a lot of activities where I can’t read a book, but can listen to podcasts. But, feeling a bit burned out by podcasts I was looking for a change. Remembering that ebooks exist, I opened the ever-wonderful Libby and started browsing for a book.

I had meant to read this trilogy for a long time, as I had heard it pop up time and time again in Star Wars lore. It was a great story and I really enjoyed the audio production - it makes it nice and immersive to have sound effects and different voices. In this case, I was very happy to have listened to it instead of having read it. I’m very much looking forward to the next book – so much that I thi n I’ll start it today.

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy Series