The Art of Living
by Thich Nhat Hanh
Read: Nov 6-9, 2022
Genre: Sprituality
I listened to this over a weekend with a few hours to myself and found it very interesting. Buddhism makes for some insightful spirituality teaching without the need for a deity. To me it seems to centre around connectedness, a lack of individual self, and transformation instead of beginnings and endings. I find this way of thinking quite compatible with Science and the needs of our modern world.
The thing I enjoy most in these teachings is that nothing, not even the word of the Buddha should be taken on faith. You should investigate everything critically and see if it fits with the universe as you see it. This leaves open the door for an ever-changing, improving and iterating worldview, vision of spirituality and way of living.
Hanh does a great job of communicating all of this and more in this compact and easily digestible book. As an audiobook I found it like a very approachable lecture - it translated into this medium very well.
Highly recommended.