How To Initiate Sidecar From iOS
Sidecar is wonderful and adds a huge amount of functionality to an already awesome iPad Pro 12.9" - but let’s say that I want to connect to a headless Macbook Pro (or Mac Mini) in the future. How can I initiate Sidecar from the iPad end of the equation?
After much searching I concluded that Sidecar does not have a CLI, or at least not one I can find discussed at all.
The Solution - AppleScript & SSH
While old and not overly well maintained, AppleScript has a huge amount to offer with regards to MacOS automation. Simply create a file initiateSidecar.scpt
wherever suits you.
activate application "SystemUIServer"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "SystemUIServer"
set displayMenu to (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description contains "Displays")
tell displayMenu
delay 1
tell (menu item "iPad" of menu 1)
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
You can call AppleScript on the commandline with osascript yourScriptName.scpt
. Just be aware that the first time you run it you will need to grant some extra permissions, so it will not work on first-run.
Then, from your iPad end, create a Shortcut that runs a SSH command on your Mac and add it to your homescreen widget - download it here! Easy!
This has already been a huge improvement for me. Enjoy!